This journal comprises several articles on various subjects. In the first article on page 3: Taking on Gnassingbé, Africa's Last Strongmen, Wolali Ahlijah takes us inside the protest that begun in August 2017 to understand how they are continuing to face up to the repressive response of the state with help of social media and a more unified message. On page 11 the article titled: Persistant Protests : everyday activism in Burkina Faso, Ernest Harsch explores the ongoing role of protest in public life in Burkina Faso He highlights the current government's tentative slow response and offers some thought on how civic activists can be more effective in driving change. How an online campaign changed the constitution in Nigeria by Aisha Salaudeen on page 16 takes a look at the success of the Not too Young to Run online campaign, how it got people talking and the way the campaign was able to sustain its online momentum offline to push for a change of legislation. Nigeria's vibrant start-up ecosystem by Kemili Norman-William on page 21 discusses the provision of a space for creative ventures that for example, seek to improve civic participation or access to financial services, the author looks at the growing interest from international investors and asks whether the Nigerian government is building a supportive environment to allow these youth led initiatives to flourish. Cameroon's growing divide : The Anglophone problem by Isidore Ngueuleu on page 26 offers some reflection on why and how Cameroons divide has grown so stark since 2016 and looks at who might be in a position to act as a credible mediator if both sides can be convinced that dialogue offers a way forward.

West Africa Insight Vol 6 No.2 Youth, Protest and Technology: Disrupting the Status Quo
1 December 2018
Publication type
West Africa Insight Vol 6 No.2 Youth, Protest and Technology: Disrupting the Status Quo