Partisan Political Party Attitudes towards the Electoral Commission of Ghana
The New Patriotic Party and National Democratic Congress in Comparative Perspective
Partisan Political Party Attitudes towards the Electoral Commission of Ghana
The New Patriotic Party and National Democratic Congress in Comparative Perspective
This paper examines partisan political party attitudes towards the Electoral Commission of Ghana. The commission has organised elections that have been considered to be successful since 1992 but these successes have done little to dent partisan attitudes towards its independence in the country’s politics. The core partisanship contention relates to whether and, if so, how, the commission independently administers its mandate. This paper explores partisan attitudes that the two major parties - the New Patriotic Party and National Democratic Congress – portray towards the commission. It shows how both parties are fluid in their partisanship about the commission, such that they are able to trade-off positions they once held while in opposition for those they denounced when power alternates in their favour. In particular, they attach importance to formal independence of commission when in government, insisting the commission has the legal authority to execute its mandate as it sees fit, but immediately trade this off when they lose power. In opposition, they seek to ensure there is inclusive approach to dealing with electoral matters. The paper concludes by reflecting on areas for policy reform.