Delivering on Campaign Promises: The First 100 Days Report

The 100 days report's cards presents a short term assessment of the performance of President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB) and his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), on the delivery of campaign promises made in the run-up to the 2015 general elections. The 100-day marker has become a practice in both developed and developing democracies. Its universality predicates on the assumption that the work governments do at the early stage of governance can serve as a model for the future. More so, governments are envisaged to be at their best when their leadership is fresh as they command legitimacy and exercise control over institutions that may directly or indirectly effect positive change in a nation. Within the reporting period, the government has achieved 1 promise, made noticeable progress to achieving 24, while 197 promises are yet to be rated. Areas where progress has been made so far include: National Security and Defence; Corruption; Agriculture; Oil and Gas; Environment; the Niger Delta; Foreign Policy and Infrastructure (namely power).

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