A Call for Proposal - Archives of the Nigerian Left Creative Project Grant
Archives of the Nigerian Left Creative Project Grant
Archives of the Nigerian Left invites artists of all creative disciplines (visual art, music, textile, design, creative writing) to conduct archival research in our collections to produce new creative narratives and interpretation.
We are especially interested in work that explores radical movements during military regimes between 1967 and 1999, Northern Nigeria, women’s contributions, guerrilla movements, discourse in popular media, and the intellectual thought of individuals and collectives.
Two selected artists will receive 500 Euros (in Naira equivalent) to develop and execute their projects. Female artists and creative producers are especially encouraged to apply.
Dates to remember:
Deadline for application: 5 July, 2024
Successful applicants will be contacted by: 10 July, 2024
Initial project outline submission: 21 July, 2024
Deadline for final paper submission: 14 August, 2024
What to submit:
A project proposal (500 words) that presents your project’s aims, rationale, budget description and how you intend to use our collections. The proposal should address the following questions:. What do you intend to make? What purpose do you intend for the project to serve? How do you intend to make it? With whom do you intend to make it? With what do you intend to make it? What access do you already have to these people and resources? What part of our collections do you intend to use and how?
- CV (one to two pages) and/or Artist Portfolio
- 100-word bio (to be included in the body of your email)
About the Archives of the Nigerian Left Project:
Archives of the Nigerian Left is a network hub for archives of radical thought, politics and movements from the Nigerian left. We currently have the following archives in our collection: Socialist Library and Archives (SOLAR), Ola Oni and Kehinde Oni archive, Baba Omojola archive, Bala Usman archive. Our goal is to enable public access to and engagement with Nigeria’s heritage of radical and working class activism and the writing of another history of Nigeria, one where welfare security is possible for all and the pursuit of social justice irresistible.