Transitional Justice & Rule of Law
Conflict Mitigation and Community Reconciliation in Northwest Nigeria Project
Donor: European Union (EU)
Duration: 2 Years (2023 - Present)
Coverage: North-West Nigeria.
Conflict Mitigation and Community Reconciliation in North-West Nigeria Project is an ongoing transitional justice program in the northwest region of Nigeria funded by the European Union. The project seeks to strengthen peacebuilding processes, support the implementation of political and community responses to violence. The project will deliver:
- Community peace dialogues that will provide citizens with a space to facilitate inclusive and participatory approaches to inter and intra-communal conflicts.
- Develop early warning mechanisms for local communities experiencing conflict
- Strategic engagements with government officials and agencies.
- Research on conflict dynamics and the best form of transitional justice program for the northwest region
- Implement localised and contextualised peace messaging.
The project has begun its pilot phase in Jibia, Kankara, Batsari and Dan Musa local government areas in Katsina state. The Centre for Democracy and Development is implementing the project with MercyCorps and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Transitional Justice Project
Donor: Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS)
Duration: 1+ Year (2022 - 2023)
Coverage: West African States (Nigeria, Mali, Guinea, Burkina-Faso)
In March 2020, CDD commenced the implementation of ECOWAS Transitional Justice project to promote an evidence-based and coordinated response of state and non-state actors in West Africa to dealing with past atrocities and human rights violations through the development and implementation of transitional justice framework. On the project, CDD undertook a needs assessment and scoping study of existing transitional justice mechanisms in member states and conducted regional consultations. We partnered with OHCHR to organise public outreach and awareness programmes on the Truth and Reconciliation recommendations in Liberia, developed a policy brief on reviving Liberia’s Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC), and commenced country-level engagement in the Gambia. We also organised a 2-day regional meeting with the media on transitional justice interventions in West Africa.
The project was conceptualised to develop an Economic Commission for West Africa (ECOWAS) Transitional Justice Handbook (ETJH). It was also aimed at strengthening the capacity of member states and civil society in addressing issues of transitional justice.
Development of ECOWAS Transitional Justice Policy Framework (TJPF)
Donor: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
In 2020, CDD facilitated a series of country-level virtual consultations with state and non-state actors in Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Togo, and Liberia on the ongoing development of the ECOWAS Transitional Justice Policy Framework/handbook for Member States. The country consultations discussed state experiences of Transitional Justice and the implementation of indigenous mechanisms, emerging challenges confronting TJ processes in the region with a view to preferring recommendations to strengthen TJ mechanisms in the region. CDD also facilitated a 2-day regional level consultative meeting with the Media on the state, needs, challenges, and expectations of the media in developing the transitional Justice Policy Framework for the region, this further increased understanding and discussion of Transitional Justice discussion in the media and public pace by the media experts and stakeholders and leading to the publication of some of these articles: